Is Your Website Mobile Responsive? You may be losing 60% of your markets website visitors!
Written by Mark Slater on May 25, 2018
Now more than ever, internet traffic and usage has come from mobile devices compared to desktop computers. In 2017, 60% of all internet usage was from a smartphone or tablet and the average American spent up to 5 hours per day on a mobile device. As a result of the increased usage of smartphones over desktops, Google has been encouraging businesses to update their websites to mobile-responsive websites. A mobile-responsive site is one that automatically changes its layout and placements of certain menus and buttons automatically.  

Over the last few years, Google has been penalizing websites that do not make this upgrade by pushing them further down in organic Google search results (often times off the first page) if the search came from a mobile device. What this means to your practice: If a potential patient in your demographic is looking for a specific specialist or treatment for a specific condition, those practices with mobile responsive sites will outrank those that do not. Considering that 70% of patients use Google to search for a condition or a physician, if your website is not ranking on the first page because your site is outdated, you could be losing hundreds of patients per month to your competitors. Many practices are often hesitant to update their websites because of the perceived cost. However, redesigning your website may not cost as much as you think. You should also consider how much new patient revenue you may be losing to your competitors by not doing so. Additionally, if you are using any form of Digital Marketing (Google Adwords, Social Media Ads, etc) it is likely your accounts are being penalized or ranking lower for those who are searching from a mobile phone. Call me today, and let me show you the best practices to optimize your website and digital marketing campaigns. 404-323-5330.
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